Saturday, March 18, 2017

Missionary Mess

Before we left the Baptist church, the district missionary. who was in charge of the area Baptist churches, told our pastor Bill Shoyer that our church had to follow the American Baptist program and send money to headquarters to support their chosen missionaries.  Bill found that only 30% of the money actually went to the missionaries and many of them were liberals and superficial in teaching and living.  We wanted to give to missionaries that we knew personally who were strong believers in Christ and would teach it.
When Bill told the district missionary that we would not give to the United budget, he told Bill that he would make sure that Bil didn't get a preaching job in any Baptist church in Kansas.  Unfortunately, the district missionary left the meeting and drove out of town and was in a one car accident.

Acts 2:42  And they steadfastly preserved, devoting themselves constantly to the instruction and fellowship of the apostles, to the breaking of bread (including the Lord's Supper) and prayers.

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